Friday, March 27, 2020

Episode 107 Wish You Were Here

This week, I have two finished projects-Bonbon, a knit toy bunny, and the Milky Oolong Shawl.  I'm very happy with both.
I'm still working on the Night Shift Shawl and a pair of vanilla socks are still on my needles but that's it.  Really, just two WiPs.
I've been working in my herb garden and dried some oregano and sage today.  Also, I miss being with you all at retreats and festivals this spring.  
Wish you were here.

Listen here.


Milky Oolong by Susanna Winter
Bonbon by Susan Claudino Aguilar
Night Shift by Andrea Mowry
These projects didn't get any love this week:   
Plain vanilla socks in yarn from One Twisted Tree
Pattern Rabbit Hole   
Shila by Dee O'Keefe
Beckley by Dee O'Keefe
Lydian by Dee O'Keefe

Other fluff for your rabbit hole:
Bags from Bede Sisters 
Yarn from Blueberry Chick Yarn 
Music is "Jenny's Theme" by Jason Shaw 

Where to Find Me:
BlueberryChick on Ravelry
BedeSisters on Instagram  Facebook 
Email me at

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